An Excerpt From
What Makes the Great Ones Great
by Don Yaeger
Throughout my career as a sportswriter and author, I have not only witnessed incredible skill, but I have also had countless world–class athletes share with me the behaviors they have embraced, honed and utilized to drive themselves to unimaginable heights. I wanted to know how they were able to do what they did for so long and how they stayed ahead of the competition year after year.
Greatness is unique in that it cannot be quantified the way other statistics in sports can. Numbers are irrefutable proof of a record, such as Kareem Abdul–Jabbar's accomplishment as the highest scorer in NBA history or the undefeated record of the 1972 Dolphins.
But does the achievement of those numbers make them the Greatest?
During my interviews, it appeared to me that the truly Great athletes practiced a small set of behaviors that made them dramatically better from their peers. These improvements drove their daily decisions, and the ever-so-slight differences were enough to give them an edge in their ultracompetitive professions.
Among those I interviewed, almost none of them gave credit to their physical gifts; there was always someone bigger, faster and stronger than they were. Instead, the Great ones credited daily discipline and appreciation for what they had achieved–and an even Greater desire to do more. This mindset defies human nature. Most people achieve some level of success and are satisfied with their place, but the truly Great achieve that same level of success and then ask, "What's next?"