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Quotes for life:

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Quotes for life-

1. Kindness is the language which the blind can see and the deaf can hear. 
- Mark Twain 

2. Teaching is like selling goods, if students have not understood, then you have not sold your goods - John Dewey

3. 'Criticism tell me where I should improve, appreciation shuts my door for improvement' - MAQM

4. If you are skilling yourself because someone can employ you, then its slavery.
 - Gandhiji

5. 'In relationship every time you win an argument, actually you are losing'.
6. In 2005 the VMware company executive's product was rejected by Dell. In 2015 Dell announced the biggest technology acquisition of EMC Company, and VMware was part of EMC. After the deal disclosure the same old executive had this to say;
'If you are an executive at any technology company, I hope the next time a young product manager from a startup comes knocking on your door, you don’t dismiss her with a rhetorical question'. (Source: article in LinkedIn pulse)

7. "Maturity is when you can think globally, not just at your individual level".
 - Gautam chand soni

8. Pleasure itself is not an activity?
Concentrate on activity pleasure will follow. Act for the sake of action itself.
- Anonymous

9. ‘Real education has to draw out the best from the boys and girls to be educated. This can never be done by packing ill-assorted and unwanted information into the heads of the students. It becomes a dead weight crushing all originality in them and turning them into mere automata’
-         Mahatma Gandhi–Harijan1 December1933.

10. Curiosity helps to learn.

11. "Vision without action is day dream, Action without vision is nightmare." 
             (A Japanese Proverb)

12. I am willing to suffer and be fearless rather than seeking security which cause fear.
                - Kushal

13. I like to stay in uncertainty which is truth at this moment. Thinking of destination drains out present energy and enthusiasm.
                    - Kushal

14. “What I am doing and what I want to become should be same”
                  - Kushal

15. “Compassion is the highest form of intelligence”
          - Jiddu krishnamurti

16. “There’s a growing and new understanding of what it takes to be successful as an adolescent and an adult,” Dodge says. “It used to be that what we thought all it took was academic skills. Reading and math are very important for tasks that require reading and math. Self-control is important for life tasks that require self-control – that’s what avoiding arrest and violent crime is all about.”
- excerpt from mindshift website

17. Reality has to be built through first.. Through imagination... - MAQM

18. "We wish to change one and everyone, lest we change oneself" - Anonymous

19. "Right is not something which can be given, right is something which cannot be taken" - Anonymous

20. "Life success is all about positively influencing people around" - Anonymous

21. In this world there is only one possible past for all of us but it contains infinite numbers of future....
As long you remember, This world is only what you chose of make of it, you can have any future you want. - Anonymous

22. Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man.
We need education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one's own feet. - Vivekananda

22. Someone should do it---- who is that someone?

23. "If you work for money, you will until.
If you work for fame, you will until.
If you work for people, you will till you are" - Anonymous

24. Uninformed freedom is firedom.. -Anonymous

25. "Truth will relieve you of all fears" - Anonymous

26. ''If exposing is modernism, then animals are more modern" - Anonymous

27. “Fellow Citizens, Why Do You Turn And Scrape Every Stone To Gather Wealth, And Take So Little Care Of Your Children, To Whom One Day You Must Relinquish It All?” - Socrates

28. "कुछ इस तरह मैंने अपनी जिन्दगी को आसान कर दिया
किसी से माफ़ी मांग ली और किसी को माफ़ कर दिया"

29.  "Of all the relationships an individual may ever have, those with siblings may be the longest lasting" - Anonymous

30. Manzil milegi, Bhatak kar hi sahi...
Gumarah to wo hain, jo ghar se nikle hi nahin. - Anonymous
(You may reach late to your destination,
But you will be there for sure.
Misguided are those 
Who never ventured out of their home)

31."Sometimes we get so caught up in our patterns and routines, whether in the workplace or at home, that we forget to question conventional wisdom". - Anonymous

32. “You don’t have to know all the answers, you just need to know where to find them.”—Albert Einstein

33. Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." -Gandhiji

34. Your success as a leader depends on one thing more than any other: your ability to change the behaviour and improve the performance of your followers.
- Book, Green Beans & Ice Cream

35. "Success isn't measured by money or power or social rank. Success is measured by your discipline and inner peace." — Mike Ditka

36. "I have a problem with motivational speeches, that they ignite spark in me. But they do not teach me the steps to translate the spark in to a sustainable change". - M.A.Q

37 "It took me 17 years and 114 days to become an overnight success."- Messi

38."If you have strong backup plan, then you are not confident in your current effort'.  - Anonymous

39. "Everything is multi-factorial, we can't boil it down to just "History  
- Anonymous

40. “People with goals succeed because they know where they are going.”
–Earl Nightingale

41. “I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.”
–Estee Lauder

42. “MIDDLE Class has a lottery mentality…
WORLD Class has an action mentality”
–Steve Siebold

43. “Champions take risks”
–Steve Siebold

44. Our servants are not our dependants, it is we who are dependent upon them.
- Maria Montessori

45. A quote from Martin Luther King Jr. :
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

46. A large nation will be progressive only with the strong bonding between the people who represent various regions to form a great A nation. - M.A.Q

47. ‘Here is an essential principle of education: to teach details is to bring confusion; to establish the relationship between things is to bring knowledge.
-Maria Montessori, ‘From Childhood to Adolescence’

48. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead"

49. "The proper function of man is to live – not to exist.” - Anonymous

50. "It's not what you say, but how you say it that turns the switch from 'off' to 'on.'" - John Murphy 

51. "When you see injustice, we often assume that somebody is going to do something about it. But what if they don’t? We all have a responsibility to stand up and fight against injustice. We all have a role to play in this.”
- Tirana Hassan

52. "Wealth, worldly possessions, and even power can be rebuilt over time. The values that define us, on the other hand, don't come with price tags or substitutions".
- Anonymous 

53. Bura aadmi kisi ke saath nek ghumaan nahi rakhta.
Kyun Ke Wo har ek ko Apne jaisa khayal karta hai.
- Anonymous

54. ``Jis Tarah Log Murda Logo Ko Kandha Dene Ko Afzal Samajh te He,
Kaash Isi Tarah Log Zinda Logo Ko Bhi Sahara Dene Ko Afzal Samajh Liya Kare To Zindagi Aasan Ho Jaye``.

55. "I have no idea where my life is going. All I know is that I love what I’m doing right now. I follow my excitement to the best of my ability, and that’s enough"- Henri Juntilla

56. “Children will not remember you for the material things you provided them but for the feeling that you cherished them.” —RICHARD L. EVANS

57. "It's your attitude that determines your altitude." - Zig ziglar

58. "We have too many high sounding words, and too few actions that correspond with them."
—Abigail Adams
(1744 – 1818)

59. "The surest test of discipline is its absence."
—Clara Barton
(1821 – 1912)

60. "The triumph can't be had without the struggle."
—Wilma Rudolph
(1940 – 1994)

61. "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
—Maya Angelou
(1928 – 2014)

62. "I attribute my success to this—I never gave or took any excuse."
—Florence Nightingale
(1820 – 1910)

63. "A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees."

64. "Success is tons of discipline."
- Al Tomsik

65. "No steam or gas drives anything until it is confined. No Niagara is ever turned into light and power until it is tunneled. No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated and disciplined."
- Harry E. Fosdick

66. There are 3 main reasons people can't cope in life:

1. They live in the past.
2. They have a low self-esteem.
3. They can't laugh at themselves.

- Anonymous

67. "Education should be so revolutionized as to answer the wants of the poorest villager, instead of answering those of an imperial exploiter.”
                                - Mahatma Gandhi.    

68. "Cultivating a mindset for success comes down to realizing that you have a choice". - Henri Junttila

69. "Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will". - Anonymous

70. "The meaning of life is to give life a meaning". - Anonymous

 71. "It's your attitude that determines your altitude." - Zig Ziglar

72. “When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that’s present… we experience heaven on earth.”
 - Sarah Breathnach

73. "My grandmother is over eighty and still doesn’t need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle.” —Henny Youngman

74. "Learning something about which you have no interest is unlikely to make you more employable".   - skills you need read up

75. “Ask those who know if you know not”  (Qur’anic verse 16:43). 

76. Your life is measured by who and how you influence and impact others. - Anonymous

77. Purpose leads to passion, energy, action, success, and significance. 
- Anonymous

78. Much of our life journey depends on our attitude, our beliefs, our behaviors, and our words. - Anonymous

79."To this day, I’m not fearless. I just listen to my fears less. I see them for what they are: Fearful stories". - Henri Junttila

80."Confusion is not a problem. Uncertainty is a not a problem. The problem is how you relate to them". - Henri Junttila

"It is a thousand times better to have     common sense without education than     to have education without common     sense. " 
~Mahatma Gandh

82.“The systems of schools are so habitual, shifting practice has to be as concerted as quitting smoking,”. - Diana Laufenberg

83. A handsome guy and a pretty girl will make a beautiful wedding; but a faithful man and a pious woman will make a beautiful marriage. - Anonymous

84. Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.

Other people's opinion of you does not have to become your reality.

Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.
-  Les Brown

85. “The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.”

- Anonymous

86. “Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be absolutely compelling in order to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way.

- Anonymous

87. "Whether you reach success or failure in life has little to do with your circumstances; it has much more to do with your attitude...with your faithful courage...with your choices!"
- Anonymous

88. "You see, non-achievers blame their circumstances; winners rise above their circumstances. Some concentrate on the blank wall that boxes them in; winners always look for a way to get under it, over it, around it, or through it".
- That’s the life philosophy of Nido Qubein

89. "The Sheep who cheered when their leader promised them a blanket each".

Till one sheep asked where will the wool come from??

- Anonymou

91. "We see, what we are". - Anonymous

92. “If you can’t get emotional about what you believe in your heart, you’re in the wrong business.” —Vince Lombardi

93. “The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.”
Abraham Lincoln

94. “Life is a series of experiences, each of which makes us bigger, even though it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and griefs which we endure help us in our marching onward.”
Henry Ford

95. “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”
Mother Teresa

96. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”
Winston Churchill

97. “A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.”
Nelson Mandela

98. “Leaders aren’t born, they are made. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal which is worthwhile.”
Vince Lombardi

99. “Worry is the interest paid by those who borrow trouble.”
George Washington

100. “We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face…we must do that which we think we cannot.”
Eleanor Roosevelt

101. “A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.”
Mahatma Gandhi

102. “The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been kindness, beauty, and truth.”
Albert Einstein

103. “Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.”
Franklin Roosevelt

104. “Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility to evaporate.”
Albert Schweitzer

105. “I believe the unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.

106. “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved.”
Helen Keller

107. "Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.”
—Maya Angelou

108. " If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough" - Albert Einstein

109. “I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” -Albert Schweitzer

110. "Everything that’s really worthwhile in life comes to us free—our minds, our souls, our bodies, our hopes, our dreams, our intelligence, our love of family and friends, and country. All of these priceless possessions are free.” —Earl Nightingale

111. "The future bears down upon each one of us with all the hazards of the unknown. The only way out is through.” 

112. “A river without banks is a large puddle.”
—Ken Blanchard, John P. Carlos, and Alan Randolph

113. "That's been one of my mantras—focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: you have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains."
—Steve Jobs

114. "Language has a great impact.....
Those who speak rude cannot sell Honey...
 but those who speak sweet can sell Chillies." - Anonymous

115. "Think about it: If people were going to give us their absolute best safety, quality, sales, production, and customer service automatically, then most managers would be out of a job". - Anonymous

116. "Bob Nelson’s research showed that 68 percent of employees had never heard the words “Thank you” from their bosses, even though they consistently rank the need for positive feedback as #1 or #2 in job satisfaction".

117. "I have had to terminate or fire more people for being difficult to work with than being dumb". 
- Intel CEO Brian Krzanich

118. "The standard of leadership is your ability to get results". -Anonymous

119. . "If we all focused more on listening and understanding each other, the world would be a lot less stressful—and a lot happier—place to live".
- Arthur P. Ciaramicoli
120. "When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” - Viktor Frankl
121."We have tendency to start with an idea instead of starting with a problem" - Rizwan Tayabali
122. “Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself.” —Henry Ward Beecher
“When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that’s present...we experience heaven on earth.”

124. Thomas Edison, when asked why he had a team of twenty-one assistants
If I could solve all the problems myself, I would.

125. 'If the solution or the idea is right, it will go like a hot knife through butter'.. 
- Quote by Rajiv Bajaj MD Bajaj Auto.. In Deccan Herald news paper dated 17th Feb 2017 

126. If you are constantly critical of people or treat them badly as a rule then expect the same behavior to come back to you whenever anyone you treated badly is in a position to pay you back. - Srinivasan R

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." - Mahatma Gandhi
128. Have you said to yourself recently, “I need to slow down, have more fun, take more time for my family...breathe?” Well, what you're really saying is, “I need to simplify my life!” But knowing you need to simplify your life and knowing how to simplify your life are two very different things.

129. Once a president of a country said... We need to stop teaching history and push more for science... The assistant replied.. To protect that legacy of history we are on wars.. How can we stop teaching history..

129. “Make up your mind that no matter what comes your way, no matter how difficult, no matter how unfair, you will do more than simply survive. You will thrive in spite of it.” 
—Joel Osteen. 

130. "Having confidence in your ability to achieve your goals is a key component of optimism". - Anonymous

131. No one gets a sudden rise, not even the Sun.
It takes time to rise to the peak of success.
Just keep your efforts going and Be Positive. - Anonymous

132. Our humanity is important. We must take responsibility for our actions and be forgiving of the actions of others. To do otherwise will deny our nature and lead to a very nasty destructive cycle.

133. “We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”
– Bill Gates

134. when adversity strikes, it's not what happens that will determine your destiny; it’s how you react to what happens. 

135. "For all of the most important things, the timing always sucks. Waiting for a good time to quit your job? The stars will never align and the traffic lights of life will never all be green at the same time. The universe doesn't conspire against you, but it doesn't go out of its way to line up the pins either. Conditions are never perfect. "Someday" is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you. Pro and con lists are just as bad. If it's important to you and you want to do it "eventually," just do it and correct course along the way."

- Timothy Ferriss

136. The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." - Mark Twain

137. "Either have a strong vision, or follow a strong Leader". Anonymous

"Fulfillment should not be dictated by wealth, class, or race. Everyone needs a chance to get into the mess of figuring out a life’s work.
- Spencer, President of Bates college, US

"First, it helps to recognize it’s not what kids say or do that upsets you. It’s what you choose to think about it that really upsets you. 


 'You have to have a lot of humility to come to the realization that you don't have the answers, and that you're going to learn your way into this.'
Dr. Manuelito Biag, Carnegie Foundation".

When my students don't question me ,I feel somewhere I'm wrong. 
- Anonymous 

"Your success will be largely determined by your ability to concentrate single-mindedly on one thing at a time"  --unknown

 "Every test in our life makes us bitter or better, every problem comes to make us or break us, the choice is ours whether we become victims or victorious"

Many of us pin our happiness to external factors: if only we had more money, or a better house, or whatever our latest “want” is...but your happiness has been and always will be right inside yourself.
- Anonymous

‘let the school not come in the way of Education’...  - Anonymous

Explain your anger instead of expressing it, and you will find solutions instead of arguments.
Dr. Steve Maraboli

Don’t envy the lives of others. Often you only see the surface. If you delve deeper, they all face challenges. Each one, without exception. - Anonymous

More broadly, being a good friend, teacher, or manager often requires taking the perspective of others—seeing the world through their eyes and understanding their joys and sorrows. 
- Michael Platt, Director, Wharton Neuroscience Initiative

"A great inner revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation and further , will cause a change in the destiny of humankind. "
 - Dr. Daisaku Ikeda
'I am afraid to go in front of the people, people know me better than I do know myself' - MAQ  Maaz

151. IBM company's three value defined in 2003:
1.  "Dedication to every client's success",
2. "Innovation that matters—for our company and for the world", and 
3. "Trust and personal responsibility in all relationships".

152. "A few simple techniques well presented, an aim clearly seen, are better than a tangled maze of data whirling in disorganized educational chaos" - Bruce Lee

153. Reading is an expensive neural process. It helps us to have cognitive compactness. It helps one to compress his ideas in a handful of words. It's often integrated into the profession we are in. A well- read person is always a standalone. 

154. Once you read , no matter whether it works or not. It works out in automation. ( as , the light doesn't need to declare it's a light; when it's lit , others see its light.  That's it!  ) - Aliyar KV

155. “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”
— Robert Louis Stevenson

156. "Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision to be the limits of the world". 
- Arthur Schopenhaur

157. "The stories a discipline tells of itself reveals a great deal about how it wishes to be viewed, what it regards as worthwhile studying and what it obscures in its mainstream rendition". - Siddharth Mallavarapu, Professor and Head, Department of International Relations and Governance Studies, Shiv Nadar University.

'While Artificial Intelligence is driven by data, natural human beings are driven by emotions' -Raja Jamalamadaka 

Learning leadership from books, online and B-school courses is the equivalent of learning to drive a Mercedes car by visiting its R&D school to learn the features – and then expecting to skillfully drive the car in a new part of the world. - Raja Jamalamadaka

Further he says, Without denying the importance of car features, whats really valuable to drivers is a thorough understanding of road conditions and a deep understanding of when, to what degree and how to adapt the features to specific ground realities. It is this rubber-meets-the-road point that is the global leadership failure point.

160. “Education, is the ability to meet life’s situations.”
- Dr. John G. Hibben, former president of Princeton University.

161. “the great aim of education,” said Herbert Spencer, “is not knowledge but action.”

162. Be master of ur petty annoyances and conserve ur energies for the big, worthwhile things. It isn't the mountain ahead that wears u out - it's the grain of sand in ur shoe.
--Robert Service

163. "When our courage is born out of conviction. Then yes, anything is possible".
- Devender Jhajharia, Khel Ratna gold medal.

164. So always get inspired by the greatness. It could be in a person less experienced by you, or lower in your position, or lower in knowledge.

165. There is always special about the successful people, which makes them to excel.

The great people:
Accept who they are.
They accept competition.
They respect competition.

Already get inspired by the greatness. It could be in a person less experienced by you, or lower in your position, or lower in knowledge.

Acceptance needs courage.

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Wise Quotes:

Change is you: -         -   Believe in yourself. -          -  Be the change you wish to see in the world. -          -  Be just before you are generous. -          -  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. -          -  Better yourself before others. -          -  Brains are better than brawn (physical force). -          -  Clothes don’t make the man. -          -  Don’t find fault, find a remedy. -          -  Honesty is the best policy. -          -  Without kindness there can be no true joy. -          -  When life’s path is steep (tough), keep your mind even (smooth). Wisdom, knowledge and Education: -         -   Character building begins in infancy and continues until death. -          -  Wisdom is to live in the present, plan for the future, and profit from the past. -          -  Wisdom is easy to carry but difficult to gather. -          -  A wise person does at once, what a fool does at last. -          -  A wise man turns chan

Sometimes in life, we need to look back to move forward a lot faster:

-  “The real battle is always in your mind. And your mind is under your control, not the other way around” A person is all the times doing multitasking- personal life, professional life, and self.  A truth about life is you cannot change what's happened in the past. Your focus needs to be on performing whatever you have got to do at the present moment and doing the best you can to achieve what you vision.   Sometimes things don't go as planned, but remember to keep moving forward.   Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith. Sometimes in life, we need to look back to move forward a lot faster and create a better future .  Looking backward  helps us to understand our past in ways that were previously hidden from us . In addition, thinking about the past often reinvokes feelings associated with that time. Sometimes this is a positive or healing experience. If  we are moving forward from a failure, it is important to look back  in order to analyze where we went wrong . To

Do you walk everyday? Know the health facts about walking:

 ARE YOU WALKING DAILY AS EXERCISE ? IF NOT PLEASE READ  ▪️50%  of a  person's  bones & 50%  of  the   muscles, are  in  the  two  legs.  *Do walk* ▪️The  largest &  strongest  joints & bones  of  the   human body   are  also  in  the  legs.  *3-7k steps / day* ▪️Strong   bones, strong  muscles  and flexible   joints   form  the *Iron  Triangle*   that  carries  the  most important   load   i.e.  *the  human  body."* ▪️70%  of  human activity and burning  of energy in  one's  life  is done  by  the  two  feet. ▪️Do  you  know  this ? ▪️The *foot  is  the center of  body locomotion*. ▪️Both  the   legs together  have  50%   of the   nerves    of   the  human  body,  50%   of  the   blood  vessels  and  50%  of   the   blood   is flowing  through   them. ▪️ It  is  the  largest  circulatory  network  that connects  the   body.  *So walk daily.* ▪️Only *when  the feet are  healthy then  the convention current  of blood  flows ,  smoothly,   so  people who  have  s