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Showing posts from April, 2024

*Imp* Teenagers and underlying challenges of current generation:

-  Teens naturally experience stronger urges and have less ability to delay gratification compared to adults. A teenager is someone who is between 13 and 19 years old. There is a continuous socioemotional development happening among teenagers. Puberty brings a surge of hormones that can lead to intense emotions and risky behavior. Teenagers have natural urge to have communication with opposite gender, many a times this turns to be a unwanted connection with each other. Some might confuse love with exploitation and get bodily exploitated without knowing the situation. Later on in life this will cause guilt, and pull the depressing thoughts in life.  Teenagers are also grappling with social pressures, identity formation, and desires for independence, which can lead to impulsive choices. Compared to adults teenagers have lesser self control, they might get into unnecessary and undesirable commitment with opposite gender. Thus parents and guardians should monitor teenagers in their school/

Sadly, men who haven’t grown up emotionally often struggle:

 - We all have patterns, habits, ways of doing things that feel comfortable and familiar. But men who haven’t grown up emotionally often get stuck in these past patterns. - If you notice a man who seems oblivious to his own behavior and its impact on others, it could be a sign of emotional immaturity. - If you notice a man repeatedly falling into the same patterns, especially ones that cause problems or pain, it could be a sign of emotional immaturity. - This lack of empathy can make relationships challenging. It can lead to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and a lack of emotional connection. Click to read: