In minds where memories reside,
A flame of remembrance,
let it abide.
Don't let forgetfulness creep in,
And steal the moments we hold within.
For in the depths of our soul's dark night,
Memories shine like stars,
a guiding light.
They whisper stories of love and strife,
And weave the tapestry of our life.
So let us cherish every fleeting thought,
And hold dear every memory we've brought.
For in the realm of forgetfulness's sway,
Lies a darkness that takes away.
The laughter,
tears and moments shared,
The love that once was,
and still is spared.
The lessons learned,
the trials faced,
The triumphs won,
the wisdom placed.
So let us tend the flame of mind,
And keep the embers of memory aligned.
For in the warmth of recollection's glow,
We find our identity,
and all we know.
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