'No one ever gives you credit for doing what’s slow and hard and invisible. Sweating out that book chapter, doing that colleague a favor, writing that newsletter'.
'But we can’t just optimize for the short-term and assume that will automatically translate into long-term success. We have to be willing to do hard, laborious, ungratifying things today — the kind of things that make little sense in the short term — so we can enjoy exponential results in the future'.
We have to be willing to be patient.
'Not patient in a passive, “let things happen to you” way, but actively and vigorously patient: willing to deny yourself the easy path so you can do what’s meaningful'.
The results won’t be visible tomorrow, when the difference may be imperceptible.
'But it will be in five or ten or 30 years, when you’ve created the future you’ve always wanted. Big goals often seem — and frankly, are — impossible in the short term. But with small, methodical steps, almost anything is attainable'.
Excerpts adopted from below:
By: Dorie Clark, is the author of The Long Game, Entrepreneurial You, Reinventing You, and Stand Out.