Dear Friends!!
The biggest investment during the Pandemic is to have a balanced health. Health is wrongly pursued as psychical health however a holistic picture of a sound health is *when your mind and body is in sync* which means you have a balanced health.
A study says that only 65% people do physical excercise and only 10% invest into their mental health. The fact is shocking yet true.
Encourage you all to prioritise your Mental Health as well.
* Consider you brain as an Organ like any other organ.
*Like other organs Brain can also dysfunction
*Brain can also fall sick and get diseased
I use a zumla or a muhavara or an Idiom which goes like this
*when there is an issue with heart(Dil) we don't call the patient Deewana than if the brain has an issue why we call them Mental/Mad or look at them differently?*
Think about it?
With this thoughts I tried to hold each one you with some awareness session under *Jagruth Learning Hour* and tried to educate you on various aspects of Mental Health .
*The series end on 14th September* .
*We shall be announcing many more sessions , self development workshops shortly however they will be paid* .
The only mantra I want to give you all is
*Stay connected , reach out to me if you want to talk, if you want to set yourself free from the Psychological Prision will be happy to help*
Veena Jain
+91 9686451614- India
The above initiative belongs to one of our networks, we published it as a positive gesture towards mental health and wellbeing.