I was brought up to believe that how I saw myself was more important than how others saw me.
- Anwar el-Sadat
The lifestyle and expectations have seen a tremendous change. We have become self-centered, but even in that self-centeredness, we are not perfect. We do not know where we are heading to. In order to keep our day good going, it is important to reflect and recharge ourselves. And add creativity and value, to the things we do in day to day life.
Below are five easy ways to keep yourself in your control. The below will help you create greater success for your day:
1. Reflect
2. Gratitude
3. Loosen yourself
4. Train your brain to stay positive
5. Bring down your stress and boost creativity
1. Reflect:
We become so mechanistic in life that, we forget to fix our goals. We get going along with the flow.
We don't even see what kind of food we eat. What kind of words we use. Most of us go through the day singing run, run, run", thinking if we work the full day, we'll get more done. This is not always true. Give sometime for reflection.
What is self-reflection? It is a serious thought or consideration about our attitudes and actions. Take time. Do some reflection about yourself. Take help.
2. Gratitude:
Gratitude is the quality of being thankful.
Face the day with gratitude for what is going right, and give time for what is going wrong, and you'll discover new possibilities at each and every turn.
3. Loosen yourself:
Giving 101% of your energy every day takes a toll on your body, mind, and spirit. Take time to loosen up. Smile a little. Smile strengthens your immune system, decreases stress, endorphins are released. Endorphins make you feel happier and more relaxed when their levels increase.
The smile also creates a positive atmosphere anywhere you go. And you are 'winner'.
4. Train your brain to stay positive:
Read positive quotes. Like this one quoted by William James, “Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact”.
A positive attitude gives us positive energy. Make the most of your day. Soon a great attitude will come naturally.
5. Bring down your stress and boost creativity:
You could bring down your stress by being accountable, accountable is again all the way round to our first point, 'Being reflective'. You could also look at rescheduling your routine. Take a few minutes during your day to write, color, share. Or just do nothing. Stay calm.
By: Maaz Mohammed A.Q
(The writer is a learning strategist at Ccels La Education, Bangalore)
I was brought up to believe that how I saw myself was more important than how others saw me.
1. Reflect:
2. Gratitude:
3. Loosen yourself:
4. Train your brain to stay positive:
5. Bring down your stress and boost creativity: