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Showing posts from June, 2016

Make Organization a Daily Habit:

Quick pointers: • Don't be intimidated by the idea of "getting organized." Start by putting things back where they belong and throwing away things you don't need. • Break up big tasks into smaller tasks. • Stick to doing just one task at a time. • Use electronic reminders. Set your computer or smartphone to alert you five minutes before every event in your calendar (some apps like 'Google keep' app helps you to synch your events on 'To do list' to multiple systems). • Between tasks, take a walk or get fresh air. • Healthy habits- Regular exercise and team sports can also help you work together with others, learn to set and meet goals, and feel better about yourself. • In office- Ask for a quiet cubicle or space, so you aren’t distracted by others. • In meetings- Take quick notes. • Tired to sit for a non critical meeting- Go for 'walking meeting'. It is simply that: a meeting that takes place during a...

Short message of happiness:

💬   Stay   Away   From   Anger... It   Hurts ....Only   You ! 💬   If    You    Are    Right    Then     There    is     No    Need    to    Get    Angry ... 💬   And    If    You    Are    Wrong    Then    You     Don't     Have    Any    Right    to    Get    Angry. 💬   Patience    With    Family    is   Love ..... 💬   Patience    With    Others    is   Respect. ...

Click to read the collection of 200+ articles and videos on life skills:

💭 Level Up Your Life: Unveiling Your Life Skills Toolkit We'll be diving deep into a variety of areas,   all designed to equip you for whatever life throws your way.   Here's a sneak peek at some of the exciting topics we'll be exploring: So,   get to learn and get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, self-improvement  and empowerment.   Together,  let's build that life skills toolkit and conquer whatever life throws our way! Click your area of interest below to read many many articles under each topic: 1. Life Skills- - - 2. Corporate Stories  3. Work Life Balance  4. Understanding Teenagers 5. Understanding Life 6. Happy Feeling 7. Leadership Skills 8. Initiatives 9. Health and wellness  10. Motivating Potentials 11. My friends are gold 12. Relationship Management  13. Understanding Self 14. Fun and Fun 15 . Hit hard 16. Activities   Or Also you can select based on year of publication: Click for articles of 2020 ---...

Friendship (Why friends are important):

Are friends with us only to do parties and fun. Discover a lot about what kind of asset friends are, what kind of role they play in our life: - Happy people might spread their good fortune, say researchers. In the same way happy friends will. - A large friend list may add years to your life. One study found people with many chums lived 22% longer than those with only a few buddies. Good friends often encourage you to make healthy choices, like staying active. They can squash stress, too. - Loneliness doesn’t just feel bad. It’s actually bad  for you . Researchers at Brigham Young University found that having few friends is as dangerous for you as smoking more than a pack a day or drinking heavily. And it can actually be worse for you than being obese or a couch potato.  The connection’s not clear, but a strong social network can reduce your risk of stress and depression. When you’re feeling good, you’re more likely to take care of yourself. - Pets aren’t just great co...