Quick pointers: • Don't be intimidated by the idea of "getting organized." Start by putting things back where they belong and throwing away things you don't need. • Break up big tasks into smaller tasks. • Stick to doing just one task at a time. • Use electronic reminders. Set your computer or smartphone to alert you five minutes before every event in your calendar (some apps like 'Google keep' app helps you to synch your events on 'To do list' to multiple systems). • Between tasks, take a walk or get fresh air. • Healthy habits- Regular exercise and team sports can also help you work together with others, learn to set and meet goals, and feel better about yourself. • In office- Ask for a quiet cubicle or space, so you aren’t distracted by others. • In meetings- Take quick notes. • Tired to sit for a non critical meeting- Go for 'walking meeting'. It is simply that: a meeting that takes place during a...
Motivating the Potentials...⌘