It was a beautiful British Summer day the day before. An Afro- Caribbean man was standing in a long queue for the ice cream shop at Knowsley Safari Park.
I asked him if he wanted to know a secret? He said NO!
Despite that I told him that if he goes to the other side, he will find another window and there’s no queue! He found it hard to trust me, believe and act. Yet, I persisted and advised him to go check and let me know if that’s not the case. I shall hold his place reserved for him in the long queue. He went, confirmed the information was true and came back to thank me. Later on, I found him in another queue for bumping 🚗. He greeted me with a smile and thanked again. I also found that Umar, my 5 year old son was playing tag with his children and his father was now my trustworthy friend as I was for him. Those around me were surprised to see that I had friends in a totally unknown place!
We find several opportunities to be nice and kind on a daily basis. Little gestures such as above can help us win hearts and minds of both the people of the community and the humanity irrespective of caste, creed, race, colour, religion, age or gender. We just need to tap these opportunities.
This is an opportunity to make more and more friends. Once who were strangers now can become your good friends by these kind of socialization. Friendships can enrich your life in many ways. Good friends teach you about yourself and challenge you to be better. They encourage you to keep going when times get tough and celebrate your successes with you.
Source: Received through whatsapp message