Life is like a Race between Cat and Rat.
Rat mostly wins because Cat runs for food and Rat runs for Life.
Remember Purpose is more Important than Need.
There is another similar anecdote about cheetah and deer.
In the chase between cheetah and deer, many times deer wins. Because cheetah runs for food and deer for life.
Remember… here too, “The purpose is more important than need.”
Purpose is more important because it gives us a reason to wake up in the morning. It makes life easier to live knowing that you have a purpose and are able to achieve that purpose. Your purpose should make you excited to be alive and breathing.
John F. Kennedy has quoted, “Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.”
Everyone on earth is busy, be it a CEO, blue collar worker, a street vendor everyone over there is busy busy busy. While you can be busy with a dozen tasks every day, when you don’t have a clear purpose of your life or career, you may be heading towards the incorrect path.
That’s because many times our goals may have nothing to do with our purpose, which means that you can pursue your current goals for the next 10, 15 years, only to realize that this isn’t what you wanted after all.
So again from this we understand that purpose is more superior to goal, it is because, our goal is made because we have some purpose all together to achieve. If we do not know the purpose, then how can we derive our goal.
How can we know our purpose:
1. Try to know your passion, passion is sometimes connected to our purpose, because passion comes out of pure hidden purpose.
2. Everyday take sometime out for yourself and think, do you enjoy the tasks which you are performing currently.
3. Is your current job is out of your passion, or just you were carried over by the life's tide.
4. Try to create an imagination of what you want to achieve in next 10 years.
5. Start interacting with people around you and take feedback on your life's engagement/work life.
6 Listen to what other people appreciate about you. And analyse for yourself, are you alive to work on the projects/work for which you are being appreciated.
It does not matter where have you reached in your life, career etc. What matters is are you really enjoying what you are engaged at.
Contributed by:
Credence Learning Foundation.
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