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Showing posts from July, 2020

Learn B-school/Business lessons from street vendors:

- Captain Raghu Raman teaches an interesting business lessons from Street vendors. And in the last section he speaks about the after retirement life of young armed forces. Click to watch: About Captain Raghu Raman: Note:  The above video is linked directly from youtube. About 'Raghu Raman' detail is received from youtube description.

Why does managers' work seem to be less:

-"Managing" is less visible than other kinds of work. Subordinate work tends to be almost all visible labor—crunching numbers, moving things, etc. This all but guarantees that subordinates will appear to be working harder—they are working harder on a physical level and humans are visual. Mentally, emotionally, and strategically, managers tend to have the more challenging job, but that depends. Many managers do take advantage of the "behind the curtains" nature of their work and don't work as hard as they could. Others work themselves into the ground even though it may not seem like it. Like many things, this is a case-by-case deal. To make it more tangible, I suppose a manager could write down how his/her time is spent (maybe an hourly recap). Even if it was just for a day, I think it would be enlightening for the company. By: Stephen Guise, answered on Quora

We don't live in bungalows, duplexes or flats. We live in our mind:

- Martina Navratilova was once asked, “How do you maintain your focus, physique and sharp game even at the age of 43?"  She gave a humble reply, “The ball doesn’t know how old I am”. You need to stop yourself from stopping yourself. Every game in life is actually played on a 6 inch ground – the space between your two ears.  We don't live in bungalows, duplexes or flats. We live in our mind which is an unlimited area. Life is great when things are sorted and uncluttered there.  Keeping the mind messy with hatred growing on the table, regrets piling up in corner, expectations boiling in kitchen, secrets stuffed under the carpet and worries littered everywhere ruins this real home.   The key factor to performing well in life and in every arena, is the ability to control the quality and quantity of your “internal dialogue”. Performance is potential minus internal interference.  Live in peace, not in pieces. Source:  Received through whatsapp message

Tax Analyst's advice to his friends during post COVID19:

- One of my caring friend Pradeep Naidu, who is a Tax analyst has written a beautiful piece of analysis at ‘Tax Guru’ website. He has intended to help us all to understand the personal finance, money, and investment aspects during COVID19 and its aftermath. Image source: Below I am presenting to you the highlight of the article, you can click to read the whole analysis too. -        In this ever-changing situation, every individual has to update & make them ‘ Fit ’. It could be an employment, health, finance relationships & anything for that matter. -        As witnessed by all of us, it is seen that the entire global economy has been largely affected by the pandemic and this might even turn out be the worst recession, since the Great Depression in the 1930s. -        In India, this crisis has led to a spear in the country’s unemployment rate to 27.11% as ...

How can we win ourselves?

When you look at the title, you might have thought that, winning is about, winning a position, money, respect, winning friends, winning people, some tangible outcome, but what is it all about ‘winning ourselves’. Let's try to understand it one by one. What do we understand by interference? Is this something which unnecessarily involves or meddles in our success? This could be the general thought of interference. How do we understand the meaning of interference with regards to our growth and success? The interferences can be hurdles, which we come across. Basically, there are two kinds of interferences- Internal and External. Below are examples of internal and external interferences (Self-discovery- CLF): Internal interferences: External interferences: Ignorance Poor education Negligence Poverty Anxiety No guidance Stress Lack of family understanding and support ...

The lessons from two football players:

Below is Sadio Mane: Source: The above data received through WhatsApp message

How to deal argumentative situations:

- We all face situations and conversations which turns out argumentative and bitter. Winning a situation for both the parties is crucial. Listen to the simple and practical tips in the below video: Watch an amazing explaination Source: The video is linked to YouTube directly. The rights are reserved with the content creator .

Health from homely available foods:

- Watch an amazing video: Explore this life skills site, for amazing life skills and happiness tips. Go to the menu option.  Source: received this video from WhatsApp message. We do not own this video.

The key to success - Personal life, Professional life, balanced relationships and self-growth:

- Why do you think the 'relationships' are important for growth? Be it a personal life, or professional life. In this article, we are discussing this aspect in three parts. Firstly, the importance of personal life and interdependency: The second part of the discussion is how we can develop our professional life: The Third Part of the discussion is how a team can help each member’s growth: 1. The importance of personal life and interdependency: When we discuss ‘self-growth’, we also include discussions about balanced relationships. Relationship plays an important role in every area of life. At the workplace, we need to have a good bond with our colleagues. And in personal life, we need to have a bond with family members, relatives and friends. Yes, as humans we are always interdependent with each other, in every aspect of life. Thus it is important for us to understand where we stand in terms of this interdependence. Unless we are not related to something or someone, our ach...