It was a beautiful British Summer day the day before. An Afro- Caribbean man was standing in a long queue for the ice cream shop at Knowsley Safari Park. I asked him if he wanted to know a secret? He said NO! Despite that I told him that if he goes to the other side, he will find another window and there’s no queue! He found it hard to trust me, believe and act. Yet, I persisted and advised him to go check and let me know if that’s not the case. I shall hold his place reserved for him in the long queue. He went, confirmed the information was true and came back to thank me. Later on, I found him in another queue for bumping 🚗. He greeted me with a smile and thanked again. I also found that Umar, my 5 year old son was playing tag with his children and his father was now my trustworthy friend as I was for him. Those around me were surprised to see that I had friends in a totally unknown place! We find several opportunities to be nice and kind on a daily basis. Litt...
Motivating the Potentials...⌘