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Showing posts from February, 2018

“ I am rich, fit, and I have mastered almost everything I wanted to master. Why am I still not happy and still not satisfied?”

Question posted in Quora by Anonymous: *Answer by Karim Elsheikh*: “Human happiness (as we know it) is caused by 4 basic chemicals: *Dopamine* *Endorphins* *Serotonin* *Oxytocin* # On your journey to become fit, your body released endorphins to cope with the pain of physical exercise. You probably began to enjoy exercise as you got into it, and the endorphins made you happy - *temporarily*. # On your journey to become rich, you probably completed many tasks and goals. You probably bought all the things you’ve ever wanted. Nice cars, beautiful clothes, and a perfect home. This released dopamine in your brain when you achieved your goals and bought these things, which once again contributed to your happiness - *temporarily*. *So what about the other two chemicals?* It turns out that human happiness is incomplete without all 4 chemicals constantly being released in the brain. So now you need to work on releasing serotonin and oxytocin. “How do I do that, Buddy...

“Journey of a daughter”:

Dedicated to Responsible Daughters. Very well put....!!!! “Journey of a daughter” =================== Earlier when she burns her finger Used to make lot of fuss at home Now, even if she burns her hands Quietly prepares the food For small reasons Used to cry a lot Today, handles complex problems Silently Those days, used to fight a lot with friends Today, longs to meet up with them Those days, used to roam around the home calling “amma” Today, smiles on hearing the word “amma” If she gets up at 8am on holidays, she used to say she is early Today, if she gets up at 5am also, she says she is late Used to spend the whole year to fulfill her ambitions Today, feels lethargic to even buy clothes for herself Those days, even after lazying around the whole day Used to say she doesn’t have time Today, works the whole day And says she is happy For the exam at the end of the year Used to prepare the whole year Today, every day, wit...

Our mind is a sacred enclosure:

Short Story with a Good Moral.! A farmer was taking three of his donkeys for sale to the market. On the way he saw a river and decided to have a dip. Since he had only two ropes to tie the donkeys to a tree, he looked around wondering how to tie the third one. He saw a sage and sought his help if he could give him a rope to tie the third donkey. The sage did not have a rope but had a suggestion. He told the farmer, “let the third donkey see you tying the other two donkeys to a tree. Then you pretend to tie this one also”. The farmer did as he was told and went for a dip in the river. Coming back, he thanked the sage and saw that the donkeys stood exactly at the same spot where he had left them. He untied the two donkeys and patted the third one to start moving. After going a little distance, imagine his surprise when the third donkey stood still at the same spot. Cajoling, kicking or talking did not help with the donkey, refusing to move from the spot. The farmer went back...

To be able to understand people well, we should be in a Good Mood.

Snippets from source : - Being in a bad mood could impact our orientation toward another’s suffering and our desire to alleviate it. - Taking good care of our physical selves is key to experiencing  good   feelings . - Keeping  a gratitude journal  or writing  a gratitude letter  to someone who has helped you or made your life better in some way  can bring  a  big dose of happy feelings . - It never fails to amaze how much talking to a friend can really shift our mood positively. - Give--   research  shows that giving to others makes us happier than spending on ourselves. - If we keep in mind that we have the power to shift our moods and maintain some emotional balance, we may be doing ourselves—and those around us—a big favor. Click to read full article :