“ I am rich, fit, and I have mastered almost everything I wanted to master. Why am I still not happy and still not satisfied?”
Question posted in Quora by Anonymous: *Answer by Karim Elsheikh*: “Human happiness (as we know it) is caused by 4 basic chemicals: *Dopamine* *Endorphins* *Serotonin* *Oxytocin* # On your journey to become fit, your body released endorphins to cope with the pain of physical exercise. You probably began to enjoy exercise as you got into it, and the endorphins made you happy - *temporarily*. # On your journey to become rich, you probably completed many tasks and goals. You probably bought all the things you’ve ever wanted. Nice cars, beautiful clothes, and a perfect home. This released dopamine in your brain when you achieved your goals and bought these things, which once again contributed to your happiness - *temporarily*. *So what about the other two chemicals?* It turns out that human happiness is incomplete without all 4 chemicals constantly being released in the brain. So now you need to work on releasing serotonin and oxytocin. “How do I do that, Buddy...