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Showing posts from November, 2022

How to be aware and take ourselves towards excellence:

- Perfection in humans is considered by most of them to be real goal of education and training. The question is, is the perfection possible? Or is it about excellence and not perfection? Let's understand what is perfection and how it is achieved. The process of improving something until it becomes excellent is perfection. Excellence is the quality of excelling, of being truly the best at something. Let's understand it by 4 levels: Level 1- I can do it! (Unconscious Incompetence) The Dunning Kruger Effect. Those who are overconfident though they dont have expertise. ATTRIBUTES - over confident  - arrogance - Keep commenting on others. THEY ARE IN PEAK OF MOUNT STUPID. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Actions: Make them aware by feeding knowledge. Ask them to attempt the task. Give them pre test. Level 2- Realisation (Conscious Incompetence) VALLEY OF DESPAIR ๐Ÿ˜ Attributes: Despair Grapes are sour Blame game. (Posotive- Zeal to learn, acceptance and submission) Actions: Motivation Success stories Level 3-...