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Showing posts from February, 2019

Know types of mistakes to learn from mistakes:

- We all make mistakes occasionally because we're human. - We're all fortunate to be able to enjoy growth and learning throughout life, no matter what our current level of ability is. Nobody can ever take that source of fulfillment away from us. While all this happened to us, mistake was a part and parcel. - Is committing mistake really a bad thing. Many educators believe that mistakes are not bad as such until we seek to learn from them. If we're more precise in our own understanding of mistakes and working on to minimise them, it will increase our understanding, buy-in, and efficacy as learners. Few educators have classified mistakes into four types (Click to learn this in detail). - Stretch mistakes. - Aha moment mistakes - Sloppy mistakes - High stakes mistakes - What do we do when we realise that there is a mistake. Ask few standard questions to oneself. What was unexpected? Why did that result occur? What went well and what didn't? Is there anything I coul...